worME · Entomophagic kitchen appliance
Academic + team project
Year: 2020 

worME is a kitchen appliance that self-cultivates larvae and has an inbuilt production system to produce meat from them. It promotes the innovative entomophagic diet in the Latin American youth, to normalize and integrate this diet as a sustainable alternative.

The livestock industry is one of the most contaminating industries in the world and in parallel the malnutrition of the Latin American youth is growing by the minute. For a sustainable society we need to go back to a life style oriented on what our land and environment can give us. The Zophobas morio is the beetle that contains more nutritional value and is characterized by being present throughout the territory of Chile. It's larva is considered a super worm.
The idea.
Automatic system that gives the user high-in-protein food and a selection of herbs to accompany the meal.
It has different interior sections for each growing phase of the beetle and larvae, and for the meat production later on. Also a water compartment to allow washing the unwanted dirt of the insects before the meat production. And grant the user to incorporate differrent vegetables to add flavor to the larvae meat.
Interior details.
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